The Horrific Evil Monsters
1H 11MIN
Availability ended 10/1/2021 EDT
When the Monsters are the LEAST of your worries.
A secret government agency who recruits the most hazardous horror icons to battle a biblical force. Credits
Directed by Adam R. Steigert
Written by Adam R. Steigert
Kristin Steigert
Production Company 388 Studios
Produced by Adam R. Steigert
Kristin Steigert
Christopher Burns Jr
Dale Shero
Keith Lukowski
Norm Queeno
Phill Beith
Jennifer Zsiros
Michael Zsiros
Cast Bishop Stevens
William Nemi
Gregory Blair
Kaylee Williams
Jennie Russo
Jason John Beebe
Michael O'Hear
Xia Orozco
Michael Zsiros
Dawna Lee Helsing
Melodie Roehrig
Chris Barbis
Christopher Brechtel
Christopher Burns Jr.